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SDG Newsletter - Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Writer's picture: Audrey WangAudrey Wang

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

January 30, 2023

Register for Discussion 2: People

Our next discussion will take place on February 11, 9:00 PM PST / February 12, 1:00 PM Beijing Time. The event will focus on SDGs 1-5 and feature Professor Christian Seelos, a Distinguished Fellow and Director of the Global Innovation for Impact Lab at Stanford PACS. Register today to learn more about the impact of social innovation on sustainable development!


Goal 9 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs Goals 9 aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, and develop high-quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure. Other goals include promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization, increasing access to small industrial enterprises– especially those in developing countries– to financial services, strengthening scientific research, and improving the technical capacity of the industrial sector in all countries, especially in developing countries. In 2021, the manufacturing industry will recover from the pandemic, but the rebound in all countries will be uneven, and the least developed countries will stagnate. As a result of the pandemic, nearly one third of the jobs in the global manufacturing supply chain were terminated, working hours or wages decreased, or other conditions may have deteriorated. The high-tech industry performed better and recovered faster, which strongly demonstrates the importance of technological innovation to achieve SDG 9. In 2021, the global manufacturing activity will exceed the level before the pandemic, but the recovery is still incomplete and uneven. Small industrial enterprises are still more vulnerable to economic recession than large enterprises because they have limited financial resources and are more dependent on the supply chain. In response to the above problems, governments and the United Nations are constantly adjusting their policies.

What is a sustainable city? 10 characteristics of green urban planning In order to become a sustainable city and an eco-friendly alternative to urban infrastructure, we must solve more green public transportation problems through new technologies such as super ring roads and smart roads. At the same time, the shift to clean energy is crucial to the sustainable development of cities. Moreover, in order to make the urban infrastructure truly green, all municipal buildings should obtain LEED certification. Sustainable cities also help residents realize the sustainability of their lives by providing opportunities and obtaining resources. Resource-rich urban water resource management is also a feature of sustainable cities. Public green space is adopted in cities and waste management is emphasized. Sustainable cities are not only the lofty goals of urban planners and ecological enthusiasts: they are necessary conditions to cope with climate change.

Planning With A Purpose: Urban Transformation And Sustainability The future is expected to be urban with increasing housing, global energy and consumption. While increasing the amount of buildings, their emissions must be 90% lower than the modern consumption in order to prevent drastic temperature changes. Cities should prioritize sustainability such as reducing their carbon footprint and using sustainable materials. City operations can also be improved with the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence. Features such as machine learning and digital twins can be used to calculate the total impact of a decision on the environment. In addition, a stronger cyber-security system is necessary to create social trust and develop resilience. Lastly, to combat waste produced by cities, circular models must be implemented while financing the use of local energy.


Further Reading


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